About the Author

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Susanne Thomas reads, writes, parents, and teaches from the wild and windy west in Wyoming. Besides her five kids and husband, she loves fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, poetry, children's books, mythology, science, coffee, and puns. 

And socks. She really loves socks. That's a lot of things to love, but luckily, there's a lot of love in the world.

Once upon a time, a family struggled mightily to find happiness. They found themselves faced with a decision, continue miserable and sad lives or take a chance and have a second child. 

They risked it all and have never looked back on that decision. Possibly on the 3rd and 4th children, and definitely the 1st, but never on the 2nd. And so I was born and brought forth in the world, determined to make everyone as happy as I make my family. 

5 children, many degrees, and 4 decades of experience have culminated in a need to write, create, and share. This is my attempt to reach out and build a space where my many different writings can find support. 
I write fantasy, science fiction, speculative fiction, a smattering of poetry, romance, and horror as the moments take me. I believe strongly in the power of nonsense and the strength of compassion.

